Project Description
The $155 million San Bruno Station Grade Separation Project encompassed the elevation of Caltrain tracks over three at-grade street crossings at San Bruno, San Mateo, and Angus Avenues in the City of San Bruno, CA. The project also included constructing a new elevated Caltrain station, parking facilities, Artichoke Joe’s Casino parking expansion, three pedestrian underpasses, improved streets and sidewalks at Posy Park, and elevators to provide easy access for Caltrain customers.
Scope of Services
RSE provided structural engineering support, civil site engineering, surveying, and right-of-way engineering services to support the acquisition of right-of-way for the station and surrounding developments. In addition to these services they also provided the following specific project tasks:
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) – Caltrain
San Bruno, California
Asset Management
Construction Modeling
Right-of-way boundary research
Project mapping
Established all existing property and easement boundaries within project footprint
Prepared site plan and right-of-way exhibits for the station and the surrounding development
Prepared right-of-way exhibits to facilitate property appraisal
Field survey and monument recovery
Established new overall record map
Prepared plats and legal descriptions
Filed the Record of Survey
Completed post construction surveys, including the establishment of new monumentation
Completed the Record of Survey Map
Coordinated with stakeholders, including the City of San Bruno,CA and Artichoke Joe's Casino
Provided a structural and civil engineering review